Let's Start Design with IRONCAD Promotion

Special offer

If you buy 1 IRONCAD [3DCAD] License you will get 5CAXA darft [2DCAD] licenses free!

It is an outstanding CAD with translator that can open CAD files from other manufacturers.



16000 Bath It is the promotional price and does not include tax. An additional fee of  2600 Bath is required to upgrade your support plan to AS.




The various CAD products on the market have their own uses, suitable CAD differs between product designs.

To use different CAD for different purposes decreases productivity. IRONCAD is suitable for designing machines 

such as equipment and jigs. IRONCAD has outclassing operability and is unsurpassed for ease of machine designing.



The ability to produce high-quality products efficiently depends on the quality of the equipment.By using IRONCAD,

designer will be able to maximize their capabilities.


This promotion is an opportunity to obtain multiple 

licenses for 2DCAD.

Many experienced designers forcus on 2D design 

as proof of their design skills.Improve your skills 

with 2DCAD and increase your work efficiency with 3DCAD.